Ring by Spring-2014-Eng-Rachel Boston.mp4 Rozmiar 1,23 GB
Comedy | Romance - 8 March 2014 (USA)
Caryn Briggs (Boston) is a fiercely independent businesswomen who has alway been skeptical about marriage, seeling commitment as throwing away her future. At the age of 30, Caryn has had a steady string of boyfriends, but the realationships have always ended. Her current boyfriend, Bryce (Jacot), is rather uptight and controlling.
At a fundraising event with her friends Gregg (Krowchuk) and Stephanie (Liebert), Caryn agrees to having her fortune read at a charity booth run by gypsy fortuneteller Madame Rue (Powers), who predicts that Caryn will have a ring by spring. Caryn takes that to mean that if she does not have a ring by spring she will never marry.
Caryn starts a new job where she seems to have a lot in common with her laid-back boss Tom Halsey (Morrow). The two have a friendly relationship and find it easy to talk with eachother.
The fortuneteller's prediction starts to bother Caryn when Stephanie and Gregg’s fortunes come true. Caryn worries she might be closer to a ring than she thought and the most likely prosepct would be from her uptight boyfriend, Bryce. She worries that he is going to propose, but he breaks up with her instead, telling her that she is not marriage material.
The prediction, along with the break-up, cause Caryn to do some soul searching and she realizes that she must get over her fear of commitment. She contacts her former boyfriends in a quest to discover what went wrong with her relationships.
Spring is approaching and still no ring for Caryn. She worries that she is doomed to a lifetime of being along. She learns that the true sacrifice isn’t getting hitched—but giving up on a real, lasting love.
Director: Kristoffer Tabori
Writers: Jean Abounader (story), J.B. White
Stars: Rachel Boston, Ali Liebert, Crystal Balint
Gdy słucham co mówisz, słyszę kim jesteś. Ralph Waldo Emerson Aby być szczęśliwym w miłości, trzeba być geniuszem. Honore de Balzac Dano kurowi grzędę, a on wyżej chce. Trotz Gdyby mieszkańcy Ameryki pospieszyli się z postępami nawigacji i pierwsi do Europy zawitali, wolno by było powiedzieć, ze Europę odkryli. . . Kolakowski Fac et extusa - najpierw zrób, potem usprawiedliwiaj się.